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Milestone Group is proud to support the following charities annually. Please click on the links below to read more about the valuable contribution these charities make to the wider community.



Smith Family Logo

The Smith Family is a national, independent children’s charity helping disadvantaged Australians to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves.

The Smith Family believes that education is the key to changing lives. As research has shown, supporting a child’s education is one of the most effective ways of breaking the cycle of disadvantage and ensuring they can access the same learning opportunities as their peers.

At the centre of The Smith Family’s work, and the heart of the organisation, is a belief in the power and possibilities of relationships. For disadvantaged children to thrive, many of whom are growing up in lone parent and jobless households, they need to be connected to, and supported by, an extended family.


Cancer Council Logo

Cancer Council is a community funded, community focused cancer charity dedicated to the defeat of cancer. Through the development of prevention strategies, research into new treatments and cures, and by providing clinical and emotional support to those affected by cancer, the council work towards realising the vision of a society where lives are not cut short by, or their quality diminished by cancer.


Unicef Logo

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund is active in more than 190 countries and territories. UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realised. The fund has global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. UNICEF was created to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path.

Areas upon which UNICEF focus include education and gender equality, childhood immunisation, HIV/AIDS prevention and support to sufferers, creating protective environments for children and providing emergency assistance for countries in crisis.


MS australia logo

Multiple sclerosis has perplexed medical science since it was first identified in 1868. The disease affects the central nervous system and can, to varying degrees, interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses throughout the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. Since identification, MS has been the subject of intense, world-wide research but still its cause and cure remain elusive.

Multiple Sclerosis Australia aims to help eliminate MS by funding research into the nature, causes, treatment, diagnosis and management of the disease.